Minor Sustainability & Professional Identity

Minor Sustainability & Professional Identity

11/30/2022 - 09:26

In this minor of study domain Facility Management, students are triggered to think responsibly about the biggest social sustainability challenges of this moment. 
  • Expertise

In this minor, the students are in control of what and how they learn. Within themed blocks they are invited to tackle challenges on several topics, ranging from changing the food-system to creating an equitable society, and achieving global degrowth. We provide the students with weekly seminars on relevant topics. Yet how they spend the rest of their time is up to them. Within their community they decide on: the topics they want to cover, the means to address the challenge, and what they deem the most suitable way to acquire the required knowledge.

To guide this development process, we use the Key Competencies for Sustainability (UNESCO, 2017) as an overarching framework to inform, steer and assess students’ progress. These competencies have been identified by UNESCO as crucial to advance sustainable development and are closely linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2017 report “Education for Sustainable Development Goals – Learning Objectives” by UNESCO further elaborates on this link and illustrates how specific cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural learning objectives can be identified in relation to each of the 17 SDGs.

More information: Kies Op Maat